Dental Crowns in Westlake, TX

Christina Greene Family Dentistry in Westlake, TX, is proud to offer dental crowns for our patients who need a stronger and more durable solution for their smiles. Dental crowns are ideal for restoring teeth that have been weakened by decay or damage caused by injury. You can rely on our knowledgeable dentist to help you find the perfect fit for your smile.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are prosthetic teeth placed on top of a damaged or weakened tooth. They cover the entire visible portion of the tooth, providing protection and strength for the underlying structure. Dental crowns can look like natural teeth, allowing you to maintain your smile’s appearance while protecting it from further damage.

Benefits Of Dental Crowns in Westlake, TX

Christina Greene Family Dentistry strives to provide our patients with the best possible care. Our dental crowns are designed to:

  • Offer strong protection for your teeth
  • Improve the aesthetics of your smile
  • Make daily activities like eating and speaking easier
  • Help prevent future damage or decay
  • last for many years with proper care

If you think you might benefit from a dental, our team is here to help. We will work with you to come up with the best strategy and ensure your crown fits securely and comfortably.

The Dental Crown Procedure

The dental crown procedure typically requires two visits to complete. During the first visit, our team will create impressions of your teeth and prepare them for the crown placement. We will also work with you to pick out a shade that closely matches your natural teeth so that it blends in and looks seamless.

The crown will be placed and adjusted for a secure fit on the second visit. We’ll also assess your bite and make any necessary modifications. If you take appropriate care of your dental crown, it should last you for many years.

Aftercare For Dental Crowns

Taking care of your dental crown is key to its longevity. We advise brushing and flossing twice daily, using mouthwash, and using non-abrasive toothpaste. You should also attend regular checkups at our office so that we can ensure your crowns are functioning correctly.

Book Your Dental Crowns Appointment in Westlake, TX Today!

If you’re looking for a reliable dental crown provider in Westlake, TX, look no further than Christina Greene Family Dentistry. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the most outstanding service and ensuring your satisfaction at every step. Call us right away to schedule a meeting!