Periodontal Treatment in Fort Worth, TX
Restoring Your Smile With Gum Disease Treatment
Proper oral hygiene is not only a good habit, but it's also a healthy practice that can prevent serious conditions. Poor oral hygiene can lead to periodontal disease. If plaque is not removed from the teeth by brushing, flossing, and dental cleanings, the plaque can cause inflammation in the gums. This causes the gums to pull away from the teeth, leaving pockets that can trap tartar and other impurities.
Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, as well as family history, aging, and unhealthy habits like smoking, can also contribute to periodontal disease. Dr. Christina Greene and her team at Christina Greene Family Dentistry can help treat periodontal disease and maintain your healthy smile.
Periodontic Treatment for Periodontic Disease
There are several signs of periodontic disease to look out for. In the early stages, this condition can easily be reversed. It's important to visit Dr. Greene regularly to treat dental issues as soon as they arise. Advanced periodontal disease can lead to tooth and gum damage or tooth loss.
The stages of periodontal disease include gingivitis, which is the early form of gum disease and is characterized by swollen or bleeding gums. This condition can advance to early periodontitis, which is when oral bone and tissue loss can occur. The teeth can become loose during moderate periodontitis and during advanced periodontitis, patients can experience extreme pain and lost teeth.
Getting Gum Disease Treatment to Protect Your Health
Gum disease is very serious since it can ruin your smile and affect your overall well-being. Research indicates that there is a direct connection between periodontal disease and health conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes, visits should be an integral part of your gum disease treatment or prevention plan.
Periodontic Treatment Procedure
The first step for periodontic treatment is deep cleaning, otherwise known as scaling and root planing. This intensive cleaning treatment, along with dental hygiene habits you can practice at home, can reverse gingivitis and restore the health of your teeth.
After your initial periodontic treatment, you should return to Dr. Greene's office every three to four months. During each appointment, you'll receive a professional cleaning and an evaluation of your overall oral health. Consistent treatment can prevent gum disease or keep it from progressing.
Stay Relaxed During Your Periodontic Treatment
The Christina Greene Family Dental team strives to ensure that each of your dental appointments is as pleasant as possible. Let the team know if you're feeling anxious about your treatment so you can take advantage of the dental office's therapy dog and needle-free sedation options. If you're in or near the Fort Worth, TX, area, call to schedule your appointment today.