Tooth Extraction in Westlake, TX

At Christina Greene Family Dentistry, we understand that having a tooth removed can be unsettling. That's why we provide gentle and compassionate care during every tooth extraction procedure in Westlake, TX. We provide all necessary anesthesia and sedation options to ensure comfort before, during, and after extraction.

Why Is Tooth Extraction Important?

Tooth extractions are an important part of maintaining good oral health. In some cases, a tooth may need to be removed if it has been damaged by advanced decay or trauma, is crowded and preventing other teeth from growing properly, or has become severely infected. Removing the tooth can help prevent further infection and damage to other healthy teeth and gums.

Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction

At Christina Greene Family Dentistry, we understand that losing a tooth can be difficult for our patients. However, there are times when extraction is the best solution for optimal oral health. Common reasons for tooth extraction include:

  • Severe decay or trauma
  • Impacted teeth
  • Orthodontic alignment issues
  • Infection or abscessed teeth
  • Severe crowding

Preparing for a Tooth Extraction

Before your tooth extraction appointment, we ask that you arrive at our office with a list of questions and concerns. During the consultation, we will discuss all available options to help alleviate any anxiety or fear before the procedure begins. We may also recommend pre-medication or sedation, depending on the extent of the procedure.

During Your Tooth Extraction

During your tooth extraction, our dentist will use a combination of local anesthetics and sedation to ensure you remain as comfortable as possible. We also take precautions to protect your other teeth and gums during the procedure. Depending on your particular needs, we could suggest a follow-up session or additional treatment options after the tooth has been extracted.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Once the extraction is complete, we will provide detailed instructions for at-home aftercare. Following these instructions is essential to ensure proper healing and recovery. These instructions may include avoiding certain foods/drinks and activities and taking medications or supplements. For us to monitor your healing, we advise you to set up frequent follow-up sessions.

Book Your Tooth Extraction Appointment in Westlake, TX Today!

If you require a tooth extraction, contact Christina Greene Family Dentistry today. Our experienced team is dedicated to giving every patient individualized treatment and ensuring they have a great experience. We'll collaborate to ensure your treatment strategy satisfies your specific requirements. Call us today to schedule your appointment!